Want to be in better shape and lose weight? Optimize your workout with the best exercises to improve your cardio!


The Best Exercises to Improve Your Cardio

It is not enough to know the best exercises to improve your cardio nor is it enough to just do it from time to time – you must also be diligent.

For good results, you should train about 30 minutes three times a week. You must also be breathless enough to have trouble talking during training. Here are some exercises that will help you improve your stamina.


Cycling is a great way to strengthen your cardio. Because the intensity varies with your speed, terrain and wind speed and direction, you only need to increase your speed gradually and add more ribs to your ride to improve your cardio.
During the cold season, think of spinning (indoor cycling).


Swimming is one of the best exercises to improve the cardio because it solicits all the muscles of the body. To get the most out of your workout, try a new swim style, swim with your arms alone, or swim with a board to get your legs working.

Cross-Country Skiing

Like swimming, cross-country skiing works the whole body. This is one of the exercises that most solicits the cardiorespiratory system.

Brisk Walking

In addition to being excellent for cardio, brisk walking and running are accessible and can be practiced anywhere. Increasing your pace or stride will improve your fitness. You can also train on more rugged terrain.

Using the Elliptical or the Rower

The elliptical reproduce more or less the movements of the runner but limiting the impact on the joints.
As for the rower, he solicits many muscles. These are two devices that can increase your cardiovascular endurance.


As aerobics aims for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, this is one of the best exercises to strengthen your cardio. Thus, aerobic dance, step, and kickboxing are great ways to get in shape. You can also do a series of exercises at home, such as a jumping jack or crosswalk (bring the left elbow to the right knee, and vice versa).

Jumping Rope

Just as accessible as walking, jumping rope is easily practiced at home. In addition to working the muscles of your calves, jumping rope can burn many calories. And it’s good for the heart! Indeed, the regular practice of jumping rope reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Interval Training

Finally, an excellent way to improve your cardio is to do interval training, alternating periods of high intensity and moderate intensity.

bikingProper Cardio Workout Workout: Tips for Beginners

When using the treadmill, be sure to maintain an upright posture so as not to cramp. As with any sport, make sure that you perform the movements correctly because only then will the stomach, legs, and buttocks be optimally trained and the fat burning boosted. Whether on the treadmill, stepper or the bike, avoid lateral movements. Arms and legs move only forward and backward.

On the treadmill, an upright posture is important. It’s best to ask help from the studio trainer on how to set the proper seating position.

Another tip for the elliptical cross trainer, do not read during training because this usually leads to a cramped posture.

The Right Cardio Program

For endurance training to be effective and to stimulate the muscles, a variety of programs can be set on most cardio machines. The most common ones include fat burning, hill and interval training.

Tip: Cross trainers do not have different modes for anything. Use them alternately and train twice a week, for example, in the “fat burning” mode, once “interval,” then twice in the coming week “fat burning” and once in the “hill” mode or change calm and more intense units immediately.

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